What Happens if You Put Sugar in a Gas Tank?

Sugar, like other sediments, may block the fuel injectors or the fuel filter if there is an excessive amount of it.  This may need the replacement of the fuel filter or possibly the emptying of the fuel tank. This implies it’s a terrible trick that … Read more

Is it Safe to Drive With a Bad Belt Tensioner?

A belt tensioner is a device that keeps the engine belts tight and in proper alignment. The tensioner applies the correct amount of tension to the belts so they can do their job properly. If the tensioner isn’t working, the belts can slip or break, … Read more

Ecoboost vs. Hemi – Which Engine is Better & Safer?

While both have been popular for many years, the Hemi and the Ecoboost are mechanically distinct engines with distinct strengths and disadvantages.  Is one of them superior to the other? Continue reading this article as we break down both the popular engines piece by piece … Read more

How to Detect an Ignition Coil Failure in a BMW?

An ignition coil’s function is to convert the low current from a vehicle battery into sufficient power to ignite the gasoline and start the engine. When an ignition coil fails, it may lead to a variety of mechanical and performance concerns such as loss of … Read more

Can You Drive Legally if You are Blind in One Eye?

Those who have lost their sight in one eye can usually do most tasks and activities the same as anyone else, including piloting and driving. Operating a vehicle if you are blind in one eye may come with a few inconveniences and may necessitate more … Read more

Can You Use a Hybrid to Jump-Start Regular Vehicle?

If you are new to the world of hybrid and fully electric cars, you may have some questions about the battery or, more specifically, jumping another vehicle using its battery. Hybrid and electric vehicles have two batteries, but only a hybrid design comes with more … Read more

Can You Fix a Bent Car Frame Yourself?

can a bent frame on a car be fixed

If you’ve been in an accident that caused your vehicle’s frame to be twisted or otherwise damaged, you may be wondering if the problem is even fixable. Thankfully, the answer is yes. While there are some car frame damages that require professional help, there are … Read more

Can You Locate a Car by Its GPS System?

Locate a Car by Its GPS

In a world where practically, everyone has a GPS device on their person at all times in their smartphones, some people think that having an additional GPS unit in their car is overkill. The truth is that having a dedicated GPS system for your car … Read more

Can You Flood a Fuel Injected Car?

Can You Flood a Fuel Injected Car?

When they are attempting to find out how to start their car, many people wonder if you can flood a fuel-injected engine. If you have newer technology and are having trouble starting your car, the answer might not be as easy to find. Below, we … Read more

How to Decode Ford VIN Numbers?

Planning to buy an old Ford car? Well, that’s a wise decision! As such there are so many places online where you can find old vehicles for sale but not all of them offer you good reliable services. So, if you need the best purchase … Read more

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