How to Make Your Old Tires Black (But Not too Shiny)

make tires black but not shiny

When you use your car for a long time, the tires are not as shiny as they used to be.

The fact is driving your car on different roads causes it to lose color and crack, resulting in losing the grip.

This also causes losing friction for tires which can be extremely dangerous for the driver and others on the road. 

On the flip side, when your car tires are black and well taken care of, it is less likely for the rubber to crack.

Plus, the toughness and durability of the tires will increase, meaning you can use them longer without fearing it exploding or deflating.

Moreover, cars look more attractive and luxurious when the tires are maintained black as new. 

So, if you want to make your old tires black again without having them shine or slippery, read ahead! 

Making Your Old Tires Black

People are generally attracted to shiny things, but having a natural shade of tires is best.

The chemicals in cleaners and sprays used to make tires shiny are very harmful.

The tires may shine for the first few times, but continuous use of these cleaners will cause the tires to crack and become dull.

So, in this step-by-step guide, let’s focus on how you can make your old tires black again, but not shiny.

Step 1: Clean the Tires 

Before you apply any products to your tires, you need to clean and rinse specks of dirt from them.

Dirt tends to cling to the tires, so cleaning the grooves is essential as this is where most dirt gets, or else any chemical you use will not reach them.

Also, you need the tires to be clean to grip the substances, and the color stays longer. 

Keep in mind that you should not use brushes to clean your tires. Brushes can scratch and wear the tire down, making it more likely to damage.

Instead, it is better to use a water hose to rinse the dirt off your tires.

As the dirt is stuck on the surface, the intense impact from the hose will adequately get rid of the dirt.

If you find a tough spot, put the hose closer so that the water pressure falls directly on that particular spot. 

After cleaning the tires with water, allow them to dry before moving on to the next step altogether. 

Step 2: Use a Tire Cleaner 

Once the tires are completely dry, you will need to use a tire cleaner to remove all the dirt properly.

You can either purchase a commercial tire cleaner for rubber tires or make one of your own. If you choose the latter option, scroll down as we show you how to make your own tire cleaner. 

No matter which cleaner you use, you need to cover the tire’s surface with a cleaner first.

Then use a hard wheel scrub brush or stiff bristles to press firmly against the dirt patches.

Next, scrub the area, moving your brush in a back-and-forth motion so that you can get rid of the dirt with the lather. 

The wheel brushes can also be used to clean your car’s rims. Courtesy of their design, the brushes can get at the back of the wheel or in the middle of the spokes. 

a man cleaning tires to make them black

Step 3: Use Microfiber Towels 

Microfiber towels or wheel detailing towels are helpful because they can pick dirt up that even the brush can’t scrub.

These towels are nothing like regular towels, as microfiber towels can remove any remaining brake dust and water spots without showing stains. 

First, the towel needs to be washed with water and detergent or microfiber cleaner to use a microfiber towel.

Next, make sure that you wipe down the entire surface of the tire to remove the cleaner and leftover dirt altogether.

Once the tire is completely dry, you should have a naturally black tire. 

Step 4: Apply Tire Dressing 

The last step to getting black tires is applying a water-based UV protectant tire dressing.

Car tires are often damaged by UV light and ozone.

Using a tire dressing or tire shine products will help the color to last longer. Plus, it also protects the sidewall of the tire.

Make sure to check the labels when choosing these products as some tire dressing can make your tires too much glossy which can lead to drying of the sidewall. 

To apply tire dressing:

  • Put one or two drops of the liquid into a sponge or rag.
  • Apply it to the entire tire surface and leave it to dry. You can add tire dressing into the sponge as many times as it is required to cover the whole surface.
  • Wait till the tire dressing has dried, which should take a few minutes before you drive your car.  
  • Do not worry if you spill some of the tire dressing into your rims. Just use a rag or tissue to wipe the dressing off of your car. 
homemade tire cleaner

How to Make Your Own Tire Cleaner at Home?

Yes, you can make your own tire cleaner if you follow the process carefully.

Here are the two ways that I usually try, hopefully, they can help you as well.  

a) Cider Vinegar and Water 

If you want to make your own tire cleaner, a non-toxic way is by using cider vinegar and water.

It is a straightforward method where you add equal parts of both liquids. For example, add one part of cider vinegar and water to a bottle. And that’s it! 

Cider vinegar and water are the most purchased car cleaner because they are non-toxic and natural. In addition, it will not cause any damage to your car, tires, or your hands. 

b) Liquid Dish Soap 

Another easy tire cleaner recipe is using liquid dish soap.

In a spray bottle, transfer the liquid soap and add some water to make your cleaning agent. If you don’t have a spray bottle, a bucket can be used as well. 

Final Words 

Using your tires for a while on different roads leaves them weary.

The key to ensuring that your tires look black all the time is regular maintenance.

At regular intervals, closely inspect the surface of your tire for discoloration.

It is best not to ignore any blemish or color fade as, over time, it could increase. And the next thing you know, you have brown tires instead of black. 

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